最近业余在翻译一篇教程“Understanding Haskell Monads”,取得了原作者的同意后准备将其译为中文,现在是用xelatex排版的,放在了github里。对于没有TeX环境的同学,可以直接阅读生成的PDF文档(会不定期更新)。
Let only that little be left of me whereby I may name thee my all.
最近业余在翻译一篇教程“Understanding Haskell Monads”,取得了原作者的同意后准备将其译为中文,现在是用xelatex排版的,放在了github里。对于没有TeX环境的同学,可以直接阅读生成的PDF文档(会不定期更新)。
本文系为组内NewsLetter创刊所写,属于“Experience Sharing”一节。本文不算是个正儿八经的东西,缺了点插图,多了些罗嗦。
“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
– Brian Kernighan
So, what is debugging?
“The process of identifying divergences between the intent and the implementation is known as debugging. It is hard to do this if the intent is not known.”
– Robert Love, “Linux Kernel Development”
Among citations about debugging, the above two are my favorite. I myself learned the following lessons and glad to share with you.
Last but not least, I’d like to say that do NOT rely on debugging techniques! Instead, we should try the best to write comprehensive software and avoid debugging. Imagine you will never have a debugger and “always program as if the next person who will maintain your code was a psychopath killer that knows where you live”. I believe it will make you a better programmer!
标签: programming
前些日子 qhe 说我在 github 上的 commit 时间有点错乱,我看了一下果然如此。三台虚拟机中最离谱的是我笔记本上vmware workstation里跑的 ArchLinux,`date’ 命令的显示结果和真实时间差了几乎两天。
网上搜了一下,vmware 官方有份文档写的很赞:
Timekeeping in VMware Virtual Machines
| yaourt -S ntpdate |
| sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org |
标签: linux
标签: life
qhe 同学为 llscheme 加 了一个 interpreter 接口,安装好之后 `llscheme -i’ 即可进入解释器。然而在开发过程中间碰到了一个有趣的问题:我们有个lsrt_error(),调用它会导致进程结束。这对于编译出来的代码是没问题的, 然而对于解释器,大家可能希望它打印错误信息后能继续工作。
解决该问题的办法是在lsrt_error()调用exit(-1)之前插入一个钩子函数,并且该钩子函数式个弱符号(weak symbol),我们只在调用解释器的时候定义该钩子函数:
extern "C" void lsrt_exit_hook() { throw Error( "" ); } |
git diff 1a6bd0..6749de |
标签: programming, scheme